Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is land clearing, and why is it essential for my property development projects?

    Land Clearing is removing brush, trees, rocks and any debris that would hinder a future project. This is essential to complete before any project where you are re-grading the yard or prepping to put in a new foundation for a shed, home, etc.

  • How do I know if my land requires professional excavation services?

    Your land will require professional excavation services for any project requiring you to dig. A Professional is aware of the safety precautions that your project will require so that no one is injured.

  • What safety measures should I consider during excavation projects?

    For any project requiring digging you should always call 811 prior.

  • How can I prepare my property for tree removal?

    You can prepare your property for tree removal by making sure that there is nothing in the way. i.e. cars, fences (if easily taken down) yard decorations.

  • What are the risks associated with DIY tree removal compared to hiring professionals?

    Death, Loss of Limb, Broken Bones, Paralyzed, Destroying your home vs none of these.

  • What factors determine the cost of tree removal services?

    How close the tree is to powerlines and your home as well as height of the tree.

  • How does hardscaping enhance the aesthetics and functionality of outdoor spaces?

    You can create retaining walls, patios, fire pits and many other wonderful projects that will last a lifetime with minimal maintenance.

  • What materials are commonly used in hardscaping projects?

    Pavers, Blocks, Crush-n-Run, Sand, String Line, Level, Shovels, Dampers, and various other tools.

  • What steps are involved in the hardscaping process, from design to completion?

    1. Design and Measurements
    2. Prepping the Site
    3. Installation
    4. Clean-up
  • How can professional mowing and mulching services benefit my property's landscape?

    Professional mowing and mulching will help make your property aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

  • What are the best practices for mulching to promote soil health and plant growth?

    Mulching on a yearling basis provides fertilization for your soil which helps replenish any nutrients that your plants require. Also mulching provides insulation to help ensure your plants survive the winter.

  • How often should I schedule mowing and mulching services for optimal lawn maintenance?

    Mulching should be done once a year whereas mowing should be completed on a weekly or bi-weekly schedule.

  • What are the benefits of professional snow removal for residential and commercial properties?

    The benefits of professional snow removal are simple you do not have to go out in the freezing ugly weather and remove the snow and ice yourself and risk injury.

  • How does timely snow removal prevent damage to driveways, walkways, and landscapes?

    A professional is capable of maintaining the snow without damaging your driveways, walkways and landscapes.

  • Can I rely on your company for emergency snow removal services during severe weather conditions?

    Yes you can, We own various vehicles equipped with plows and salt spreaders to ensure our safety and that we can travel during safely in severe weather conditions.

  • What types of firewood do you offer for purchase?

    We offer all hardwood firewood for longer lasting burning.

  • How does seasoned firewood compare to green firewood in terms of burning efficiency?

    Seasoned firewood will light quicker and burn cleaner whereas green firewood still has a high moisture content as well as sap in it which will make it harder to light and it will add to the creosote in your chimney which can lead to chimney fires.

  • What are the advantages of buying firewood in bulk?

    Buying firewood in bulk reduces your costs overall compared to buying smaller campfire bundles.

  • Are there any specific storage recommendations to keep firewood dry and ready for use?

    It is recommended to keep firewood in the dry covered location.

  • How can I schedule services for land clearing, tree removal, hardscaping, mowing, mulching, snow removal, and firewood delivery?

    You can call us anytime at 717-586-4222 to schedule any service.

Let’s Talk About Your Project

Ready to take the first step toward your dream outdoor space? Fill out this quick form to request the services you need, and let’s make those green dreams a reality.

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